
​Identify Your Top Performing Prospects & Employees

Lance Hood Season 1 Episode 3

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In this episode, Lance Hood of FranPro interviews President & Chief Scientist Rebecca Monet, of Zorakle Profiles.  Rebecca Monet is an incredible resource for any franchise organization. If you would like to work with Zorakle go here:

Rebecca Monet shares a 15-minute process that sifts through candidates to find your future top performers and will even tell you how to most effectively communicate with them.  Works for selecting and communicating with your staff too.

Covered in this call:

  • ​In 15-min, Zorakle matching uses 7 scientifically validated tools
  • ​Identify top performers along with mindset, values & motivators
  • ​Stanford Research collaborated on consumer buying behavior
  • ​Marketing blueprint offers guidance on attracting ideal franchisees
  • ​Receive hundreds of trigger words tailored to your ideal franchisees​

Get ready to transform your communication strategies and unearth the secret to identifying the perfect franchisee with Rebecca Monet from Zorico Profiles. Our conversation today revolves around the unique profiling tool from Zorico, which employs a revolutionary meta-analysis approach, considering not just personality, but also values, motivators, and ideal culture – all to provide a more substantive insight. Rebecca's fascinating insights will leave you questioning your current methods. She shares an intriguing case study of a health and nutrition business that discovered the power of empathic individuals, leading them to revamp their marketing strategies completely.

We further explore the intricacies of Zorico Profiles' data-driven process to identify the ideal franchisee, with Rebecca detailing the four crucial steps of their approach. The conversation takes a fascinating turn as we touch on the creation of a marketing blueprint that utilizes trigger words to attract the ideal franchisee. The highlight, however, is the discussion on Stanford Research Institute and Deloitte's research on consumer buying behaviors and how understanding them can revolutionize your business approach. Join us as Rebecca guides us through this transformative journey. Don't miss the chance to propel your business to greater heights through Zorico Profiles.

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*Some of the companies we interview compensate us a commission if you purchase something.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Welcome everyone. Today we have Rebecca Monet from Zorakle Profiles. Rebecca, welcome to the call.

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

I'm excited to be here with you, Lance.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

It's always fun talking to you, Rebecca. Can you share a little?

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):


Lance Hood (FranPro):

Yes, I think we have at times. So can you share a little bit for anybody who's not familiar with Zorakle Profiles? I just want everybody to take a chance. This is. I think this is a very valuable resource and people don't truly understand what it can bring, and if you just throw it out there you're not going to make the most of it. So we're going to do a couple calls and show people how to make the most of it. So can you explain to everybody first of all what Zorico Profiles are?

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

Absolutely so. Zorakle Profiles is a profiling tool based on seven statistically validated tools used in the franchise space to help facilitate a right fit between a prospective franchisee and a franchise concept. The goal is that a franchisee finds the right business that is a right fit, where they can also perform well, and these sciences help both the broker and the franchisor, and ultimately the prospective franchisee, to determine what business is a good fit for them.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right, and so I know I have used these profiles. I've taken them myself personally and I've had clients work with them and I've seen lots of brands work with them. I think they're very valuable. Is there any other insights that you want to share with why you have found that these profiles are so helpful for people? I mean not just that, but internally, like staff can understand each other, you can figure out how to hire the right people, you can track your lead sources and see what kinds of people are coming out of lead sources and know how to interact with them and work with them. But I'll leave it to you.

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

So there are a lot of great tools out there. As you know, lance, you and I were talking about it earlier. In fact, the biggest difference with the Zorakle tool is that we use something called a meta analysis approach, which, instead of just like a personality task, which would give you some information about how to communicate with someone, how to build team, even how to avoid conflict Right, it's just not enough to understand just someone's personality, because there's less than a 3% correlation to someone's personality and, ultimately, how well they're going to do in business. So this meta analysis approach gives us a deeper, more meaningful understanding. We still look at personality, but we also look at what are the drivers, what are the motivators, what are the values of that individual, what's the ideal culture that they're going to fit in? What's the perfect stage of growth for that perspective?

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

Franchisee, what are some of their competencies, their skills? Do they have sales skills? Are they better managers? Are they strong operators? What do they have in terms of skill sets? And then, of course, some of the softer things, like the emotional and social intelligence. So it's a meta analysis approach that involves seven different sciences in a very short assessment. It takes 15 minutes to get through this assessment so it just gives a deeper, more meaningful look into our current franchisees, our key employees, as well as our perspective franchisee, to really make sure we're making good decisions about what business is right for that individual.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right and in even like you said, how to communicate with these people, because you know communication strategies and all that stuff are dialed into that.

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

It really is. It's so interesting because we can blow a deal right by not understanding how someone prefers to be communicated with or, to me, even more importantly is how their minds process information and then come to conclusions and ultimately make decisions. If we don't understand how that person takes in information in their preferred way and ultimately we don't understand how they make decisions, it's like throwing darts, you know, at a board blindfolded. We really don't know how to get someone across the finish line. So the communication component is important in that whole franchise development, franchise sales process. But, as you pointed out, it's also super important when building a team, whether it's at the franchise or corporate level or franchisee, that's choosing key players for his or her team. So we don't have much of a team if we can't communicate and understand each other.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

And I put it directly on a website and just allowed people to use it, because people love free tools and there's a reason why magazines never don't have a quiz in them, because people like to learn something, and it was a great way to qualify potential leads and see what they're thinking before even jumping on the phone with them. Yeah, it's a very useful tool. Do you have any of the things you want to share where companies have taken on Zorakle and it's made a difference for them?

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

Yeah. So I got like a gazillion of those fabulous stories you know, especially with emerging franchisors who are still getting clear on their value package and their product mixes, and you know the next big step, of course, is who's the right franchisee. So I can tell you a story sometime back where I was working with a health and nutrition business and they were attracting a certain type of person. When you think of health and nutrition, you think beauty, you think muscles, you think macho, you think all of those things and all of their marketing went in that particular direction. Yet when we assessed all of their franchisees, separated them based on performance. It wasn't someone that was all about fitness and physique and muscles and you know big old challenges and climbing Mount Everest. That wasn't the person that was doing well. It was an individual who knew how to relate to the consumer. That came in, someone that had empathy and compassion and great influence skills, that knew how to build long term relationships, because these are products that we're going to be used again and again. If somebody was able to build that relationship, so it was a more of a heart person than a muscle person. Right, that was succeeding in the business.

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

And yet when we looked at all of the marketing that they were currently doing, it was really obvious why they were attracting this other person. I call them a wannabe, right? They want to be macho and tough and, you know, successful and and prestigious and all of those things. So they're there folks that ultimately don't build relationships there, folks that don't make great consultants and advisors and educators, which is what they were Needing. So it was interesting to watch the performance once we shifted gears, showed them who the ideal franchisee was, and the marketing team came in not our marketing, but their marketing team came in and reposition things. All of a sudden, we saw, over the next two or three years, a 34% increase in revenue, and that was simply by attracting a different franchisee and then, of course, helping those franchisees that were currently there think about things differently, what the real job was. So and we hear story after story after story Of greater satisfaction of that franchisee, longer retention they stay longer and, of course, that steady year over year growth.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

And so what would be the process if somebody really want to take advantage of the profiles? There's a process of you know, we do have a button that people can go to and check it out, and we're actually going to gather that stuff and I'd like to send them to actually Test out the Zorakle and get and see their own results today, and so we'll do that and we might even find a way to insert in here like a just a preview of what one looks like. But but anyway, so what is the process of getting started, because one they have to understand ever to give you a process of dialing in for a company and having them actually send it out and use it?

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

Right. So I love the idea of having folks take the assessment when you can kind of have your own experience as a potential franchisee what that process looks like. So when you take the assessment you'll get a report back as if you're a prospective franchisee. And then there are two additional reports behind the scenes that a franchise or might get or a franchise broker might get that gives additional information about that individual. So that's a great place to start. If it's a franchise or, we always recommend what we call a spot on blueprint, which is research of their current system. So it's a four step process. Step one is getting together with the leadership of that franchise organization and setting some standards and benchmarks that let us know this individual is performing well and they're a good fit. So that could be things like revenue, it could be things like year over year growth or profitability, it could be they pay their royalties on time or they mentor other franchisees. But first step is always to set those standards of what the ideal is and any other markers are using. And then the next step is to assess the current franchisees and once they're assessed, the franchise or helps us separate them into categories top, mid and low performers and also determining fit. Once that's completed, all kinds of data is exported from our software and we generate a spot on blueprint. This is a 64 page report that quantifies and delineates hundreds of markers, psychographic markers of how the A players, b players and C players, what they might have that's in common. So that would give us a lot of information about the culture and the value package and the skills necessary, for example, to run that business. But it also shows us where they're different, where the A player may score differently, either higher or lower, just differently than our B and our C players. Then we look at the correlations. What is causing them to perform better? Is this marker actually affecting performance? Once we review that data with the ZOR, then we implement algorithms into the software.

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

The franchise or receives a link that they share with their prospective franchisee. Prospective franchisee takes the assessment and the franchise or receives back A eclipse reports which does a side by side comparison of that prospect to the franchise high performing franchisees With the brokers. They also can get a branded tool that they can use as a way to market to prospective franchisees. Do you have what it takes to be a franchisee? What's an ideal business for you? But it also helps them communicate, connect, build, report, engage and move the prospective franchisee through the process. The system also if a franchise or is participating. The system also provides to the broker matches, spot on matches of here's my ideal candidate. They took the assessment. Here's a list of franchise or's wherein our candidate looks a lot like the high performers and of course that offers the broker a means to make some introductions and choose to have that prospective franchisee learn more about that particular franchise system.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right, so they can basically have the Zorakle almost point out where that client would potentially be the most successful, and then they could do territory checks there and just see if there's availability to make an introduction to that company. Great idea.

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

Well, you know, it's so interesting because the idea came from brokers, because when I first got in this business 30 years ago, franchise brokers represented 65 to 75 companies, so you could get to know those companies pretty well as a broker. Right Today, many of our franchise brokers are representing 500, 600, 700 franchise systems and they want to do right by their perspective franchisee, they want to do right by the Zor, they want to do the deal, of course, and it's impossible to know 500, 700 companies intimately so you can make a proper introduction. So the goal, of course, is to help them sift through these franchise concepts that flat out would not be a good fit and narrow it down a bit. So when they make introductions, it's making good use of the perspective franchisee's time and the franchisee Zor can more easily say yes, this is somebody that we want on board. So it increases the closing ratio, but it also saves a ton of time.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right, and thinking about that, how long does it typically take for someone to get up to speed and be using it effectively?

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

You know it's so funny because I believe you know, within 90 days you can be well trained in all of the sciences and know how to present the profile and present various franchise concepts. Some people learn faster, you know, they just sort of dig in immediately. And of course we do ongoing training to kind of help through that process. But I got to tell you I've had franchise brokers with me 30 years and they still attend webinars. They still attend training because each time they will notice something else that maybe they missed A metaprogram, as an example, lance right where oh, I didn't notice that on this candidate that might have explained why that deal went south. So you know, we're always learning about human behavior. But I think people can ramp up pretty quickly and of course, as you know, we offer the 90 day trial just so our brokers can learn during that time and try it on their wives and husbands and family members and friends. So you can learn pretty quick.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

And it does give a tool for people to. It's a, it is a credibility element because it does show that you're on top of it and that you're looking and it's great to offer this. You know potentially. And again I've used as a way to bring leads into the system because I've had people organically come in and fill it out, take it and I'm like, oh my gosh, here I have a new client.

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

Yeah, yeah, this point that you made is so valid in that you're using a science based, data driven. You know way to look at someone. You're not using your gut reaction, using data, and folks have become better and better at looking at data. So it really does give you a clear insight into your perspective franchisee. But it builds credibility, it builds authority that you're not just going to show any franchise concept. You're going to show concepts that are right and best for that perspective franchisee. So it shows a commitment level. It builds credibility through the science itself right.

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

And it increases the engagement because there's all kinds of information in there, including things like that prospects, pain points, what's making them come to this idea that they want to own a business, right. So it gives you all kinds of insight and depth. So the engagement isn't superficial. It's a much stronger relationship that you can build in a faster relationship and, of course, you're going to close more deals just because you're making sure it's a good fit. People know when it's a good fit. It's kind of a visceral feel, and if we're showing them businesses that aren't a good fit, they're going to feel that too. They're going to say something's wrong. I don't know exactly, but the tool helps us kind of get beyond that.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right, and we were talking and you were gonna actually. So we're gonna send people over to you. They're gonna actually take this Oracle and you've agreed that anybody that ends up wanting to get started, we're gonna get them a copy of the marketing blueprint and the trigger words, because the trigger words would be important for anybody. Can you explain those two things?

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

Oh yeah, I love this topic. So the marketing blueprint and the trigger words come from having done a ton of research on a consumer buying behavior. A lot of that logic comes out of Stanford Research Institute and the idea here is we are attracted to certain words, we're attracted to certain messaging, certain fonts, certain colors, and it will stimulate. So I mean I actually love this story of how I worked with Stanford Research on a project I did through Deloitte. I was called in as a franchise expert and then Stanford was called in to do some consumer research and I learned that why someone bought cereal in a yellow box more than they bought in a blue box, as an example.

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

I also learned when we did this research and worked for Red Robin in this case, I learned that if you served burgers on a wooden table, they would eat more burgers.

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

I also learned that if you raised the table by so many inches, people would drink more. Whether that's alcohol or milkshakes, they would drink more. I learned that certain music piped in would stimulate the brain to purchase certain things and to either linger or leave right. And we're looking at table turns when we're talking about Red Robin or any food concept. So it was a fascinating science to me of how the brain was attracted to things and how we ultimately spent our money. So I wanted to learn everything about this science and then apply it to franchising to help individuals understand how to attract certain people, most importantly people that are gonna be a good fit, and so this, the marketing blueprint, addresses that, and it also gives you hundreds and hundreds of trigger words that can be used, Simply go here on your ideal franchisee, to get folks to ask more questions. So we're delighted to provide both the trigger words and the marketing blueprints.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Well, for everybody who's listening, go here https://Franpro. vip/GoZorakle. You can click on that and start that process and learn. I mean, everything they're gonna do is gonna teach you more and better ways on how to communicate with people. I think it's a great opportunity. Thank you for joining us, Rebecca.

Rebecca Monet (Zorakle Profiles):

My pleasure, thank you.

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