
How Experts Engage Prospects and Close Deals "Virtually"

Lance Hood Season 1 Episode 9

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In this episode, Lance Hood of FranPro interviews Alicia Berruti, national speaker with BombBomb. Alicia Berruti is an incredible resource for any franchise organization. If you would like to work with BombBomb go here:

Covered in this call:

  • Video enables you to replicate in-person interactions at scale
  • ​Reduce the number of touches to engagement down from 10 to 3
  • ​73% of consumers prefer watching videos to reading
  • ​People retain up to 95% with video, compared to 10% with email
  • ​Video let’s you connect with rich eye contact, tonality, and clarity
  • ​And more

Are you ready to unlock the power of video to revolutionize your business communication? Get set to explore this game-changer with national speaker for Bom Bom, Alicia Baruti. She joins us to share how you can leverage video to build trust, rapport, and outshine your competition. Learn how a tool like Bom Bom, crafted by salespeople for salespeople, can replicate that precious face-to-face interaction and why choosing video over plain text can significantly enhance retention rates and comprehension.

Join our guest, Joe Soto, as he shares his strategies for using video to craft personalized communication that fosters deeper connections with clients, fueling loyalty and increased referrals. Discover how video can be leveraged for mass communication, the strategy behind crafting a lead conversion video and how to optimize it for maximum engagement. Experience the transformative features of the Bomb Bomb Video Integration, including its Chrome extension, Gmail and Outlook integrations and a tracking feature that is nothing short of invaluable. 

Embrace authenticity in video communication and learn why your imperfections could be your biggest asset in forging connections. Gain insights into how the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped video usage and pinpoint where videos could be a powerful tool in your communication arsenal. Brush aside cliched, impersonal communication methods and adopt a more effective, engaging, and authentic approach. Trust us, you don't want to miss this episode. Tune in and transform the way you communicate in business.

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  • Want help finding the right franchise for you
  • Would like to be featured on our program
  • Would like help to produce or want a podcast produced for you
  • Are a franchise company and want Free access to our ROI Tracker dashboard

*Some of the companies we interview compensate us a commission if you purchase something.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Welcome everyone. Today. I would like to introduce you to Alicia Berruti a national speaker for Bom b Bomb.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Thank you, I'm excited to be here.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Well, can you share a little bit about Bom Bom and how it got started?

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, so you know, bom Bom, were essentially like video communication, but where we started I mean 16 years ago, before the first iPhone even had a camera on it our president and our co-founder they were doing advertising sales like billboard sales, and as their territory grew, as they got better at what they were doing, they discovered that they were getting less face-to-face time with their clients, which was actually affecting their renewals, and so it really came about of this idea of, as sales professionals, you know, how do we scale that face-to-face interaction? How do I get in front of my clients and stay in front of them More often? I heard our president, darren Sayonah, podcast one time that, as a sales professional, he knew, you know, if I'm sitting on the other side of the table, they're buying from me. So how do I replicate that in a really scalable way? And that's kind of how we got started was just two sales professionals trying to figure out how they could duplicate this right, their humanity, and get in front of their clients and their potential clients in a more scalable way.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

You know, what I always love is that it was created by salespeople. You know. You know looking to, you know, take that what works for them in sales and bring it to the online space, so that that is nice. So why video for business communication? I think you kind of answered it, but I'm going to let you answer it.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, no, let's dig into it a little bit. So you know, as it doesn't really matter whether you're in sales or in service or in coaching, you know if you, if you talk to clients, if you teach clients, right. If you're educating, if you're communicating, we all know that we're better face to face, right? If you had to, if you were given the option between sending an email to someone or speaking on the phone, most sales professionals would say I'd rather speak on the phone. Well, if you were given the option between speaking on the phone or having a face to face conversation with them, well, of course you'd choose the face to face conversation. But that's not always an option. And so we're kind of this bridge in between, where your plain text communication, your emails and your text messages, they're stripped of all of your humanity, the things that make you good at your job, that make you a good communicator, that make you passionate about what you're doing. You lose all that in a plain text email. And so video for business does a few things. Number one it gets you back to connection faster. You know, no light can trust. They're not sales buzzwords, right? This is actually the way people make decisions. And so video number one it's going to give you an opportunity to connect with people faster, right, when they open up an email or a text message from you and they see that it's a human being, well, they can connect with that in a way that plain text emails or text messages will never do. And so, number one, it gets you to conversations faster because someone is seeing you face to face, and so we'll talk about some stats on that when we show some examples. But so, number one, it gets you to connection faster. It builds trust faster, which means that you're having real excuse me, real conversations faster. The second thing that it does is it really differentiates you. Number one well, it differentiates you from any other business professionals. You're a competition they're talking to, right, if they're speaking to any other sales professionals in your industry, right away when you send the video, you stand out. You differentiate yourself. They're going to remember that.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

But another thing is, our inboxes are cluttered, right, we do the same thing. We open up our inboxes every day. We kind of scan to see what's important, and we're going to see spammy emails and sales emails and phishing emails and actual, real emails and all of that. And so you know, the video in someone's inbox is a massive differentiation. Right away they know it's a real human being, right?

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

This wasn't a robot email, it wasn't written by AI. It's a real person. But it's also going to stay with them throughout the day. If all day I went through my inbox and the only video in my inbox all day was from that one sales professional, right, and everything else was plain text emails, what the end of the day, that video is probably still going to be in my mind, as opposed to all of those other emails. So you get trust and connection faster. You get differentiation both from who you are, but also differentiation in the inbox. And then the last one for our business communication Lance, you ever sent an email or text message to someone that was misunderstood because tonality was lacking?

Lance Hood (FranPro):

My dad said some of my emails are the worst.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Right. So we know, we understand that digital communication can be impoverished, but when you send a video, you get to put tonality and personality and context and tonality and body language and eye contact all of that back into your communication. Which, number one, makes it easier for you to communicate, right? How many times do we sit at our desk and try and type out an email and think about how do I say this in the best way possible? Well, you know how to say it in the best way possible. Just say it. And then the other thing is that when we watch a video, we actually retain about 95% of that information, as opposed to only 10% if we were to read that in an email. So not only do you get all of the benefits of better, richer communication for you, but your recipient is going to remember it, they're going to retain it, they're going to be able to understand what you said.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

And so why video for your business communication? Well, it's giving you all of the functionality of face-to-face, rich, human communication. But you're doing it in an asynchronous way, right? You record the video. You record it when it makes sense for you to introduce yourself or to answer the question, or to ask for the referral or to educate, and then you just send it to them and they get to press play and watch it when it makes sense back for them. You don't have to get them onto a Zoom call, you're just sending it over email. You're replacing some of your emails and text messages with videos because it's just better type of communication.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Well, also sending a bomb can be faster than typing out an email.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Absolutely, absolutely. We speak way faster than we type. You also don't have to worry about going back and correcting for grammar or spelling. Did I use the right word or did I write? You just did I use the right there. You don't have to worry about that. So it's a lot faster, especially once you kind of get over the hump. When people first start, they feel like it takes them a long time. But it's not that the recording of the video takes a long time, it's the psyching themself up, it's the recording it and then watching it back and being like oh, that was bad. And rerecording it and watching it back. That's what ends up taking a lot of time. When we demo the product, everyone will be able to see how fast it is to really record and send a video.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right, I think what you said is an important point, because if you overthink it too much, then all of a sudden you're rerecording. But if you just you realize that when you talk with people you just say it one time, so just say it, people aren't really gonna criticize it to the point that you would. You just say it and move on and you know. Yeah correct.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

I mean, lance, we're all our own worst critics, the things that we pay attention to or that we overanalyze. When we're watching a video back of ourselves, no one else is paying attention to that. It's that same thing. When we hear our voice recorded Right, you're like, oh, is that what my voice sounds like? Well, no one else feels that way, because they're used to hearing your voice, they're used to watching you talk. It's just that you're not used to watching yourself speak.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Well, do we have some examples that we can talk about, like on increasing engagement and conversion?

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, I would love to show some examples. Can I share my screen?

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Yeah, hold on here. So if you guys wanna see this, you can just go to FranProco and forward slash bomb, bomb. So B-O-M-B, b-o-m-b.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):


Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

So the first way that people are using this in their day to day you know, I kind of already alluded to it in the why, but they're using it to make connections faster, okay, so I wanna show you an example of someone doing just that.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

This is actually a lender and this is him just recording that video to introduce himself to a potential client, and so he's using this, like I mentioned, to build trust right To connect, to differentiate himself from any other lenders that they may be talking to. But the stat at the bottom, I think, is really important and really compelling, especially when you're talking about outbounding and trying to build connections with people. You know, doing that the outbounding, doing the prospecting. We recently did a case study with a big four management consulting firm I can't tell you which one it was, cause we had to sign an NDA but with their sales team we were able to take them from it, taking 10 touches until someone was ready to respond or engage with them, down to three touches, just by sending the videos instead of the other ways that they were doing that prospecting. And so 10 touches to three touches just by sending simple videos like this for connection and differentiation.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

The reason I found out about Bomb Bomb was a franchise or sent me a Bomb Bomb video and I was like, well, that's cool, and I checked it out. So I actually learned that found out about this from a franchise or from a major brand, and I just see this as a great tool for franchise or brokers myself. What I did is I started creating a Bomb Bomb video that didn't have somebody's name in it and then what I would do is I would save that and have that in as an introductory email. It's just like hey, it's Lance. You know I was just reaching out and following up with your. You know you can go here to schedule an appointment and I would just use that in my email templates and it was a really great tool and with the tracking, I was able to see how many times and who clicked on it. It was very cool. So I'll let you get with this, but I know that we're using this in franchising and I see it as a valuable tool.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, well, and I think one of the things you mentioned there about tracking before I play this video, that's really crucial, especially when you're talking about prospecting, right, when you're trying to get that appointment for, you know, to talk to someone about purchasing a franchise or, you know, getting into the franchise business, the tracking is gonna let you know when they open up the email and when they play the video and if they go back to play the video a few days later. And so I think the tracking information is really important when you're talking about follow-up as well. You know, just setting the video isn't the end of your job, right? We all know that you can't just make one communication and be like, okay, I did prospecting for the day, but the great thing about the tracking is that then you know, when you're going back a couple of days later to follow up, you can pull up that list and see, okay, these 15 people opened my email and watched my video. I'm gonna call them first because they've already watched you, right, they've watched the video.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

They have a little bit more of a connection and sense of who you are than picking up the phone and calling someone that didn't watch the video. So that tracking really gives you deeper insight to know who's paying attention and who might be actually ready to have a conversation with you. So I'll play this video. Like Lance mentioned, this is a personal one. You know he records it in the moment for this person, but you can do this with an evergreen video. If you have like a lead form on your website, you can have a video recorded that goes out automatically anytime someone fills out that lead form or requests information or anything like that.

(Example Video):

And I saw that you were browsing some homes. Just wanna find out if you're casually browsing or you're looking for that next home. That Kingshire Way property that you looked at is really hot right now and I wanted to find out if you can pre-approve for a mortgage, or the number four lender in the country. And even if you haven't been approved, I'd like to take a second look with zero points deducted from the credit score, to see if we can get you the best rates and terms. Make sure you have awesome.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

I love that cause. He's adding a ton of value, right? You know he's saying you know I wanna see, make sure you're pre-approved. Even if you're not, if you are pre-approved, I just wanna take a free look at it and make sure that you're getting the best deal possible. So, really, really great video for just again differentiating himself, building connection and really showing that he's someone who's invested in their success. And that's an opportunity that you have, you know, as a broker, as a franchise broker is being able to communicate out to people that you're invested in their success, and you can do that really well. Okay, I wanna show you another example.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Another way that our clients are using this in their day to day is really to communicate with clarity and save themselves a ton of time. So this example I wanna show you this is our friend Matt Dietz. He actually owns a farmer's agency and Matt's using our screen recorder, which is a really cool function that's available in the platform. Anywhere where you can record a video, you can also record your screen, and so you know this is a great way to go over contracts or documents or product demos, or website navigation is using that screen recorder. But even beyond, you know the screen recorder. Think about how much you explain things in your day to day, right when you're educating or you're providing updates.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Video gives you a way to again communicate, with all of that rich communication, eye contact, tonality, clarity all of the things that make you a good communicator. And you're doing it in a scalable way. You know you can record the video when it makes sense to you and send it off to someone. You don't have to necessarily get them on the phone if you're just answering a question or providing a deeper level of value. And your clients are gonna appreciate it as well, because a lot of times if you can answer a question or you can go over something in a video, that's gonna save them a phone call or getting on a Zoom call. Well, they really appreciate that because their time is valuable too.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

And so for Matt, what he's doing here is this is a follow-up. He got off the phone call. He's sending over a policy to someone, but going over it with the screen recorder so that he could be really clear about all of the things they need to pay attention to and highlight important information and just deepening the value there. I'm gonna jump around through this video. I'm not gonna play the whole one, but mostly I just want you to see that Matt's able to record everything on his screen and scroll through a document and then, when he's done, he just presses send and sends it off to a client with the document attached. So really really fast way to be really clear with your communication. What's up?

(Example Video):

Andrew, I'm Matt Deets with Farmers. We just spoke on the phone. I wanted to send you this proposal. I walk you through it and so you know what you're looking at. I drew up a pretty simple proposal for your business. Farmers does something called a business owners policy or a bomb. It is loaded and has a ton of coverage in it and it's really a problem. But this one right here, business personal property this is your stuff. Remember the $1,000 worth of that side of premises? So like if you were robbed or something like that. You have coverage for that. You have $5,000 here. What else is in here? There's a coverage called business income, which would be important, so if something happened and it was a covered loss.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

I mean think about the client experience on this right. Normally you get sent a policy or a proposal from an insurance rep or from a sales rep. If you're looking over like a sales proposal, you've got to go through that and try and remember all the things you talked about. But, Matt, since he sends the video with it, they can go back and they can reference that over and over and over again and it saves Matt time because he doesn't have to get back on the phone and answer all those questions as well, because he did it in the video. Cool, huh.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

I love that because also the spouse can check it out or anybody else can check it out, and he could even do that without doing that live on the call, so he's able to get more done. I see it as an efficiency tool.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, so I have a lot of people tell me, especially like lenders and financial services type people, that they really love that just for what you said. Because, like, say, for example, you're in financial services or you're in lending and something comes up and you call that client during the day. Well, you might get to speak to one of them, right, they're likely not with their spouse or with their business partner during the day, so you get to talk to one of them on the phone and then you have to hope that their game of telephone is going to work and that they're going to convey the information correctly to their spouse or their business partner. Whereas clients tell me that when they send a video for providing updates or talking about little hitches or things that have happened, it's great because you send everyone the same video and you get to communicate the information yourself and not hope that that information will get translated correctly. So, yeah, really great point there.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

And you can see what you said.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, yeah, okay. So the last thing I want to show you and then we can demo is our clients are using this to really scale their relationships and their face to face interactions. We know that it takes about five times as much money to attract a new client than to retain them. If your business is dependent on renewals or referrals, being able to stay in front of your clients in a really scalable way is done really, really well with video, whether it's ongoing client education or check-ins or you know. Hey, I know you've got a renewal coming up. I just wanted to make sure you're happy. Is there anything that we could be due to be serving you better? A happy birthday. You know, I saw on Facebook that you were having a birthday and I didn't want to just be another person on your wall. I want you to know that I'm thinking about you. You matter. I hope you're being celebrated well today, right?

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Any of these types of things are communicated so well with video because you just send the video and they get to watch it back. Both of the videos I showed you were one-to-one videos, where you record one video and send it to one person, but you can do this in mass as well, you can send to your entire book of business, to all of your clients, your entire referral base. And so this video that I'm going to show you, this is a Merry Christmas video. You know you might think that like it's not the best business case, but I'll tell you what. We have clients that use their Bombom accounts almost primarily for sending happy birthday, personal happy birthdays out to clients, sending out holiday videos on major holidays. In fact, this guy right here, this is Joe Soto. He's a finance guy and he said that he loves the holiday videos because it gives his clients a chance to see his why. Right, normally he's just the numbers guy, he's the finance guy, but when he sends out these videos for holidays, his clients feel more deeply connected to him because they see his family.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

And from a consumer standpoint, right, I'm a consumer. If I get a postcard or a Christmas card in the mail from my real estate agent, my doctor's office, my financial advisor, right, basically, you get that Christmas card in the mail and you're like oh yeah, my financial advisor pays a service to mail out Christmas cards. How nice of him. And it goes in the recycling bin. Right, there's no human connection, there's no sense of like oh, that was so sweet. Or oh right, it's just a piece of paper that I know that they paid someone to send out to my address. This is human connection, it's deepening the relationship, it's helping them feel more connected to you, and it increases loyalty and referrals. And so I'll play this video for you, and then we can kind of live demo how easy it is.

(Example Video):

Hey, it's Joe Soto, along with Welcome Soto, mommy Soto and Daisy Soto, and even little Daisy Soto came to me to cameo. We just wanted to take a quick minute to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas. Whatever you're doing, whatever you're celebrating, enjoy the time with your loved ones, the people most closest to you, like these little ones that I got. So from the Soto family to you happy holidays, merry Christmas and enjoy the day. Bye, bye, bye, bye, man.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

What I love about that video especially when I'm showing it live in a room full of people is when the little girl goes. Look the hugs and kisses. People always go aw Right, they have this like human reaction that you would never, ever, ever, in a million years get from a plain postcard that gets sent in the mail. So, again, you're just, you're deepening that relationship. You're making it easy for them to remember you, to feel connected to you, to want to do business with you because you're just like them. Right, you got a family just like them, your kids are cute and adorable or whatever it is. You're just deepening that connection.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

I agree, you know, I, you know. When I just watched that just now, you feel like you kind of know the person, you know the family and the cards are good, but but this is better and it probably was a heck of a lot less time and a heck of a lot less money to do it.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yes, it's bigger impact, less money, less time. You record the video one time, you send it out to your whole list, you get to see the opens and you know the other thing that's fun about this, especially if your business is dependent on these relationships, these long-term relationships and the referrals. The best part about this is that it gets replies in a way that your Christmas card or your fourth of July postcard never will write. Your clients are going to reply to this and be like oh, that was so sweet. Merry Christmas to you too.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

I can't believe how big your kids are right, You're actually getting engagement, as opposed to them being like, oh, that was nice, and it going in the recycling bin or or the hard way which I would take, and I would type a holiday message into SMS, a text message, and I would text people one off and then paste it into a new one and text one person at a time a holiday message, and my wife would be sitting there. What are you doing? It's Thanksgiving or whatever. What are you doing? It's like you've been there for two hours, like two hours of texting one off holiday message. Those work because people do appreciate it and they do follow up, but it was hours of work, yeah.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

And that's why I say scale your relationships right, because relationships do take work. But but any of the places where you can scale it and you can use your humanity in a way that's going to save you time and get you, get you more attention, it's going to benefit you.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Absolutely. And, and I wanted to remind everybody, I talked with you and we worked out something very special to where you are willing to do a just for our crowd an engagement and conversion webinar. So anybody who gets a free bomb bomb account and moves forward and gets started, we'll actually show them how to maximize that account, because it's not just having it, it's. This tool, is really engagement and what we want engagement for is conversion and, and so we would do that. You want to talk about that just for a second.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, yeah. So what what we would do is we would do like this is sort of like your introduction to video and using video as communication, but we would dive deeper and do another session where I'd actually show you the strategies behind a lead conversion video and give you the framework and some coaching around how to structure that email, what to say in the video, and go through a couple actual strategies like that and give you the tactical. This is how you do it, this is what you should say, this is how you send out that to really get engagement. And so, yeah, we do offer a 14 day free trial I know that you're going to throw your link in there as an option and anyone from this group that decides to start that free trial. We want to offer that second, deeper training so that you're really set up for success and that you know the best practices for getting the attention and the conversion that you need.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Especially being every deal is a big deal. Here, as a broker, every deal is a huge deal, and as a franchise or franchise development rep, every deal is a big deal. So any of these can make a big impact, for sure.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, absolutely.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Send it back to you All right?

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Well, I want to jump out of this slide deck and I think I'm probably going to have to stop the share. I want to demo it inside my Gmail, so you can see how easy it is, so give me a second here to get set up. Okay, you're seeing my email.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

I am.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Awesome. Okay, so we have over 65 integrations. One of our, one of our core competency. Competency is we work where you work. You don't have to learn a new software. You know, even if you don't have a direct integration with your CRM or something like that. Our Chrome extension makes it easy to take a video and put it anywhere. But our two like biggest integrations that most of our clients use in their day to day is Gmail and Outlook. So if you're a Gmail user or if you're an Outlook user, we have bomb bomb built right into your email so that it's fast and easy. You're not logging out to go to another platform. So if I open up a compose window here inside a Gmail, this little bomb icon is my bomb bomb integration.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Okay, so if I want to record a video, all I have to do is I press that record button. It's going to pop up my video recorder. You're going to see me on the screen here. Please know that. When, oh, it shows my other camera. Please know that when we're doing it like via screen share and zoom and all of that, you might see some more delays with the tech than what you would normally if you were doing it on your own. But when you've got like the zoom and the screen share and all of that, sometimes it delays a little bit, but it's not recording yet.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

If I wanted to record a video just of me, I would record this. If I wanted to do that screen share, like you saw our friend Matt doing, you would do that. I also have the option for a virtual background. You saw, I could change my camera. I've got two different cameras here so you could change your camera. You can select your microphone if you've got options there. But when I'm ready to record, all I'm going to do is press this red record button. It's going to give me a three, two, one countdown and then, once the screen flashes, it's recording. And this is where you would introduce yourself or provide information to a client or answer a question or whatever it is that you're gonna say. You just say, and when you're done recording, I can press the spacebar. I could title this video.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

So if this was a video I was gonna use over and over and over again, I probably wanna title it so that I could find it easy. I'm just gonna call this one demo and when I press save it just pops into the email and you're ready to send this out the way you would send any plain text email. Okay, we take the first three seconds of your video, we loop it into a GIF so when they open up their email they see motion, and then I'd put in there. I'd put in my subjects field, I would add some text here above the video and say hi, lance, press, play on my video, whatever you were gonna say. Okay, we mentioned tracking. So this over here on the right-hand side, this is a live tracking feed of people opening my emails and playing my videos. Okay, obviously, not all of my emails have videos in them, but guess what, when you set up Gmail or the Outlook integration, we'll do tracking on all of your emails, not just the ones that have video in it. So you know in real time when someone opens your email and then if there's a video in it, then you're gonna get the play on there as well.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

So this video right here from four days ago. It was watched all the way through. The longest watch was 100%. If you notice some of these places it says viewer someone. So that depends on where I sent it from. Okay, so if I sent it directly from here in my Gmail, it'll show the email address. The recipient was Renita Wolfe, here right, or on this one, this Watkinstampa Gmail, they liked my video. So it says buy email address if you send it from email. If you send it somewhere else, like through LinkedIn or Facebook Messenger or something like that, it's not necessarily gonna tell you buy email address. It'll just say that someone opened the video.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

But that's why, if you title the video, it's really helpful, okay, why did I jump into LinkedIn Chrome extension? The Chrome extension is gonna let you take a video and send it anywhere. Okay, so up here, I'm just in LinkedIn, right? You see up here this little bomb icon. This is my Chrome extension. So I could be logged into Hotmail or ESPNcom or a non-connected CRM, and this icon is still gonna be there. So again, if I press that bomb icon, I could either record myself or record my screen. I have access to my entire video library.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

So that video that I just recorded, called demo, it's already over here that I could send it in LinkedIn. So rather than record a video this time, I'm just gonna select this video. I could either copy for email. If this was going into an email or a CRM, an email program, then I would copy for email. If it's going into, like LinkedIn Messenger, whatsapp, facebook Messenger, anything like that, a web-based messaging app, you're gonna use Copy Link. Or if you were putting this into a texting app, you would use Copy Link as well.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

I'm just gonna do Copy Link, I'm gonna paste and I'm gonna press Enter. I didn't include any text with this because I'm just sending it to Kevin, who works here at Bombom and gets all of my demo videos on demos, but you'll see here in a second that the thumbnail will pop up. It takes a second to do that. We also do have a LinkedIn integration that you can set up, but I wanted you to see the Chrome extension and do it there. It's taking a second for the thumbnail to pop up. Let's see if it'll. Normally, as you can see, the thumbnail does pop up. I'm not sure why it didn't pop up on the one I just sent, but we're just gonna call that a technical difficulty.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Well, I know that that's the actual link that I use when I send it out. I'll go and harvest that link like that Works pretty well.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. What else, Lance? Anything else that you want me to demo while I've got the screen share up?

Lance Hood (FranPro):

When you make the video, there is a thing that you can click on for call to action, which I think is very useful.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Very useful. Let's do this. Let me do it again. So yeah, we do in video call to actions. The way the in video call to action works is that it actually pops up a few seconds into the video and so you can reference it and it'll be live there on the video. So let's record another video, and I'm gonna ramble on this one just a little bit so that the video is long enough so that the call to action button actually pops up.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

The cool thing about the in video CTA is that, like for a evergreen video, for example, you could have a video that you use over and over and over again that has a link to your calendar. So you can say that, like hey, thank you so much for stopping by our website and requesting more information. My name is Alisha. I'm the one that's gonna be calling you relentlessly, but in the meantime, if you wanted to just schedule some time on my calendar, you could just click that link up there and it'll bring you right to my calendar. Right, you could say that, and then every single time you send out that video, it'll have the calendar link. So down here, where I have this CTA button, if I toggle this on, it's gonna give me the option to title it whatever I want. I'm gonna call this schedule some time and then you would put the button link in there.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get my calendar up here fast enough. We'll see, it'll log me in. Oh yeah, there we go, so copy link. I'm gonna go back to that video here so I can put my calendar link on there and save that CTA. And now that button schedule some time is gonna pop up while they're watching the video. I'm gonna save this video so that you can see it happen in real time A little bit, so that the video is long enough so that the call to action button actually pops up. The cool thing about the in video CTA is that, right, you saw it pop up there right at about seven or eight seconds. The button just pops up. They click on it takes them right to the link. Cool, right.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Yeah, and a lot of my videos are for getting people to schedule into my calendar, so I just always liked having that.

(Example Video):

Yeah, yeah.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Let's see here. Well, obviously, getting a bomb bomb up and running, you can do it in really kind of minutes. I mean, there's really not much of a learning curve to it. And I do like the notices. In fact, sometimes if you turn them on, you can get notices that people viewed your videos like almost instantaneously. But to be proficient with it, how long does it normally take for people to get themselves settled in and proficient?

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, I mean the tech learning curve is very, very small. So usually the things that hold people back that they have to work through is usually their own uncomfortability with being on camera and recording the videos. So I mean it depends, right, like I would say, on average most people it only takes about six to eight videos before they stop obsessing. And what do I mean by obsessing? I mean they're recording the video and watching it over and over again and being like I gotta rerecord, I gotta rerecord. Most of our clients say it only takes about six to eight times of actually recording the video and pressing send. Right, not recording a video that you don't send out because you're like that's horrible, but actually recording it and pressing send to kind of get over the hump. Cause, once you've done it about six or seven or eight times, you realize that, number one, you get really good responses, which is very motivating, right, when you've been sending out email after email after email to nothing, and then you send a video to someone and they're like, wow, that was so cool, right, that's motivating. So, number one, you start getting more responses. But number two, you start to realize that all of the things that you were obsessing about don't matter, that no one cares, right, and so it doesn't take a long time.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

I think that we do a ton of ongoing training. Like the first steps are just getting your videos out right. Your first steps are just recording the video and sending it out. Sometimes it's good to start with someone you already know, right, like prospecting over video is really, really effective. But sending a video to someone you've never met can feel a little bit more intimidating. So sending a thank you video to someone maybe your assistant right, sending a quick thank you video for hey, thank you so much. I know yesterday was crazy. I really appreciate you keeping me on track and keeping my schedule together. I couldn't do this without you. Well, that's not that intimidating and guess what? Your assistant will probably really really like that and have a great response, and so it doesn't take long.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

It's just a matter of making it part of your communication, and I always say the best way to like help it become part of your communication, as opposed to this like oh, yeah, I'm supposed to send videos, what should I send? Before you type an email, just ask yourself would this be communicated better face to face, right Like could I say this more effectively. Would I be more persuasive if I send a video? Well, if the answer is yes, then just record the video and send the video right? The answer isn't always yes. You know you and I going back and forth about like flow of outline or what we're gonna talk about today. That doesn't need a video. That just clutters up my day. If every single time you answer a question, you send a video. But are there gonna be times when the answer to that question is would this be better over video? Yes, of course it is. Well, then just send the video.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Mm-hmm, and you know those hesitations people have about imperfections like what you were saying. One, I would think you're doing it anyway, so it's not different because it's on video. You're already talking like that, You're already doing those things and everybody still loves you, so I wouldn't worry about that. And the other thing if it's a big, like oops or whatever, that's funny. People like it. It adds personality to the videos. I told people, you know, if I was in a podcast and I fell off my chair, I would leave it in because it's funny, you know.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Totally so. Here's the thing that's interesting, lance, is that we have data that actually shows that more imperfect like the less perfect videos actually perform better. Have you ever heard of the term called visual realism? So it's actually, it's a social psychology term. A lot of like huge multinational corporations started adding this into their commercials over the last few years because of the advent of social media. Right, we see human, normal videos all the time, and our brains are hardwired to reject perfection and to accept imperfection as more human right. And so our brains, psychologically speaking, when we see a brand, when we see a commercial, for example, that's highly produced, right, we know we're being marketed to, and so our brains click into this other, more less trusting place like, ooh, I don't try, I'm being marketed to. This is a commercial, whereas visual realism is this social psychology term where they're putting flaws or shaky cameras or things that make it feel more human and that it was shot by, like an iPhone into commercials because our brains are less resistant to it. So it's the same thing in your videos.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

People ask me all the time like, oh, I'd love to edit, like I'd love to put on at the front end of my video, maybe like some intro music or a logo. Guess what? The moment you edit your video to make it more polished, when the recipient watches it back, they're gonna feel like they're being marketed to, as opposed to communication, whereas you could be sewing your little heart out on a video. But if it's more natural and human and there's some flaws in it, their brain is less resistant to it. Because it's human, it's imperfect. So don't worry about the imperfections in your videos. It makes it more easy for people to connect with you. It makes it easier for them to like, wanna trust you. The same thing with filters. I have women come up to me at I get off stage some time and then they'll be like I'll get bomb. Bomb when you guys put in filters. Like we're never gonna put in filters because it takes away some of your humanity.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

I agree. You know, one of the first things I do when I'm watching anything is go that's not real or that's real. You know, and I do, like you're saying, prefer things, and I do, whether I want to or not notice is this just real or is this super staged? You know, and I think that's the great thing is, it gives you permission just to get out there and get it done, you know, just to make it happen.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, be yourself, right. People already choose to work with you because of who you are. Right. If you are a franchise broker, you are good at people. There is no doubt in my mind that if you are a franchise broker, you're good at people, so you don't have to like put on some other persona or like be a newscaster to do video. Just be yourself. That's what people are connecting with.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

And when COVID happened, people started doing everything at home. You would see newscasters at home. I think the NFL was at home, so it just became real and people that didn't have a desk were in their bedroom or wherever shooting videos, and so we're all used to it.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yes, yeah, absolutely. I think, honestly, one of the things that I loved about during that early COVID period was when we had, like, our talk show hosts doing shows from their house, right, and our newscasters and all of that and getting more humanity. Obviously, as someone who works for a company that is really focused on human-centered communication, I loved all of the production being stripped a little and people having to be a little bit more human.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Yeah, you're like, that's their house.

(Example Video):

Yeah, exactly.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Well, I wanted to anything else you have that helps people like shortcut the process, like templates or ideas or the kind of training and support that you guys typically do. I know we have an engagement conversion webinar coming up, but just the typical training and setup. I mean, it's pretty straightforward, but there are things.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah. So a couple things. I know even in a free trial. If you go sign up for a free trial right now, you have access to Bom Bom Studios, which is right inside your account. That's gonna walk you through some getting started stuff. We also have a one-pager on the Bom Bom Method that we actually anyone you can give my email address and show notes we can throw it in there. It's just alisha a-l-i-c-i-a at BomBomcom, and the Bom Bom Method is actually how we onboard teams in ways to help identify the places in their business where they need video, and so if you are interested in the Bom Bom Method, it's a really, really powerful way for you to quickly identify where in your process you should put videos right, Because not everything needs a video, but let's figure out the places in your business where you're having friction or where people are falling off of your deal cycle, and so if you're interested in that, email me directly and I can send you that one-pager on the Bom Bom Method to kind of get you off on the right foot as well.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Yeah, I think that that is awesome, and I was thinking about it after I said that I'm like you know. To be honest, I don't know if I ever watched one training video. I just did it. And how can you say that about most technology, that you can just download it and go Like it is. So that's amazing. It was so simple. I wanted to ask you are there some common mistakes that people make with Bom Bom that they could change to get better results?

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, absolutely. The first common mistake that people make with Bom Bom is thinking that this is for marketing, which it's, you can right, there's no problem with using Bom Bom for marketing. But most people get stuck in this place of like oh, I don't know what to say, I don't have time to come up with content. I don't know right that. The first, that's the first mistake that you could make is thinking that this is like social media, that you have to come up with content. Okay, remember what I said about just asking yourself, before you type the email, like, would this be communicated more effectively if I just recorded the video? Okay, so that the first mistake is thinking that this is just for marketing and that you have to come up with content. Okay, the second mistake that I would say that people make that's a big one that I want you all to avoid, even on your free trial is just sending the video Is they don't put any text with it. They don't put, they just send the video in an email. Yes, it's very clearly a video, right? You see the big thumbnail, they see motion, they see the red play button that says play 58 second video. But the worst possible thing you could do for your engagement is to just send the video. You have to put a line of text with the video and say hi, lance, I recorded you a video to properly introduce myself. Press play and let me know if it makes sense for us to connect. Right, like you've got to tell them why they should press play what is in it for them this is my favorite acronym to help you with your videos SWIFT. So what's in it for them? Right, let them know in the text what is in it for them in that video. That's gonna be a huge listen. If you just start doing that, you are going to be miles ahead of a lot of people.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Last one is just kind of a small one. It's not a big one, but it's a small one. People have a tendency to want to watch themselves on the screen when they're recording their videos as opposed to looking in that little pinhole camera. Right, I always say that like a good rule of thumb for knowing if you're set up correctly, if you have a good distance, is just stretch out your arm, right. Your fingers should about come to your camera.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

That's a good distance. Right, it's framed well. You're not too close, you're not too far. It's not up high, it's down low. You want it just about eye level. Okay, but then that's this. When you record your video, you want to make sure you're looking into the pinhole and not watching yourself on the camera. Okay, it's a small difference, but you can see it happening right now. Right now, I'm looking at myself while I'm talking. Now I'm looking right in the camera while I'm talking. One gives the illusion of eye contact, the other doesn't. So if you can include text with your video and look right into that pinhole camera and speak to them directly, you're gonna be miles ahead.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

I love that, and what you said about putting some text in there, I think is so important, because they don't know what it's about and people don't necessarily want a video. They want a video that's relevant to whatever you're talking about.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yes, yes, yes. I have a stat on one of my slides, but I think it's 73% of consumers Say they would rather hear about a product or service by watching a video than reading about it. So if you are talking about a product or service in that video, guess what Consumers have already stated that they would rather hear about the product that way. So just saying that, like, hey, I wanted to let you know some of the things we have to offer, or whatever it is right, you're just letting them know what is in it for them, swift. So what's in it for them?

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Well, thank you for joining us today and thank you for the demonstration, everything you shared. I'm excited to host that webinar. I think anytime we can get more engagement, more conversions, it affects the bottom line. We're able to wake people up that are existing clients using this technology and if you wanna go check it out, you can go to wwwfranproco. Forward slash bomb, bomb Alicia. Thank you for joining us. I really appreciate it.

Alicia Berruti (BombBomb):

Yeah, thank you. It was a delight to be here.

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