
1-Minute Fix to Increase Organic Leads In Minutes

Lance Hood Season 1 Episode 14

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In this episode, Lance Hood of FranPro interviews Aslam Abbas, co-founder of Aslam Abbas is an incredible resource for any franchise organization. If you would like to work with Aslam you can reach him here:

Aslam Abbas is about to share what Airbnb and the UK govt do to handle repetitive tasks on their websites 24/7. Aslam says this can be set up in minutes and can increase your online leads by 4x, he currently converts 70% of their leads doing this.

Covered in this call:

  • Over 25,000 active users including Airbnb and the UK government
  • ​​Chatbots provide 24/7 lead generation, FAQ, support & even sales!
  • ​​Install a Chatbot in minutes and increase leads by 4 times
  • ​​Collect.Chat converts 70% of their leads using chatbots
  • ​​Create & deploy unlimited amount of fully customizable chatbots
  • ​​Interactions graph shows where engagement and drop offs occur

Ever wondered how a simple chatbot can revolutionize your business's online engagement and lead conversion strategy? Get ready to be enlightened by Aslam Abbas, co-founder of CollectChat, the chatbot builder used by thousands of businesses globally. Aslam takes us through an insightful journey, explaining why chatbots are now the go-to tool for businesses aiming to optimize lead collection and customer engagement. Hear him break down how you can capture a visitor's intent using chatbots and how it leads to a considerable increase in conversion rates. He also shares the convenience of using CollectChat's pre-made templates for various purposes.

This conversation takes an interesting turn as Aslam unravels the hidden potential of integrating chatbot interfaces into your business model. You'll be amazed by how seamlessly CollectChat can be embedded into websites, used in email, and SMS campaigns. He emphasizes on the power of customization, guiding us on how you can reflect your brand's unique identity in your chatbot's design, catering to your unique customer needs. Aslam recounts a compelling success story of a travel website that saw their conversion rates skyrocket after replacing lengthy information collection forms with a conversational chatbot interface. Tune in to this fascinating discussion and discover how chatbots can level up your business's online presence.

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*Some of the companies we interview compensate us a commission if you purchase something.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Today I would like you to meet Aslam Abbas, co-founder of CollectChat. Aslam, welcome to the call.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Yes, hi, thank you for having me in the call.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Aslam. 25,000 plus happy businesses using CollectChat. That's pretty impressive. Can you share a little bit about CollectChat and what you guys do?

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

So, yeah, so, collectchat is a very simple chatbot builder out in the market. We have been around from 2017. And yes, we are happy to say, more than 25,000 businesses are actively using the product on their website, and it includes some big names. We have had Airbnb as our customer, we have had the government of UK using our product and many more. On this small but wonderful journey, we hope many of you watching will also join this family and create awesome chatbots.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Well, aslam. Why are chatbots so important?

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

So chatbots, chat has become the default mode of communication online. If you let there be any social media Facebook, instagram you communicate via chat. So that has become the default method of communication. And what a chatbot does? It stimulates or emulates this conversation model into a website and with CollectChat's chatbot, the primary use case, the application of it, is in lead collection. Whenever you have a website visitor, they are interested to know about your service or your product and you should not lose those leads. You need to convert them. How do you capture that visitor's intent? How do you communicate with them? That is what an automated solution like chatbots can do for you.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right, and you know when I was looking at the different, because people can make their own bot from scratch, but and and it looks like they can do unlimited bots on their site. But you have some pre-made ones from some of the more popular ones, like the ones generated for leads, for scheduling, for customer service. Can you kind of go into those?

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Yes, so actually the templates we call them chatbot templates on our website. We have actually ranked those templates on our website in terms of the most popular ones. So the first one we have is lead generation, which is a very simple template that anybody can just come and use. Just with a click of button, they can create the exact same copy and have it deployed on their website. And the other easy purpose is we have an appointment booking functionality. If someone wants to book a meeting with you, you can do that via the chatbot, using the conversation of interface. So that's one another template and a basic contact us for you know, I just wanted to drop your name, your email and you want to pass a message to the team. All these can be done using the chatbot interface in a conversational manner, and it has much, much higher conversion rates compared to any other tool that you'll find in the market.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Yeah, and I do like the fact. I think every site should have a chatbot on it, because it allows you to interact on any page of your site with people, especially in an appropriate way, because when I'm looking through it I know that if I can just book a call now, I can relax because now it's just in the system, I'm going to get to talk with somebody or anything like that. You know where there's a question and it says, hey, do you have any questions? I feel like I know that it's a chat box, but I feel like I'm able to interact with people. And you're right. You gave me some stats on the average conversion that people get from just organic traffic on its own, versus having a chat box that kind of gets in their face and kind of waves at them and stuff. What is the? What are those numbers?

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

So before using the chatbot, the majority of our customers were in the conversion rate of about 1. 5% to 2%. 5, that was the conversion rate that they were seeing. But after using the chatbot we are seeing a spike of about 8% to 10% increase in conversion rates. That's all because all those conversion rates are attributed because they have this chatbot on their website.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right, and you're saying that 8 to 10% of the people are engaging, or an 8 to 10% increase.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Yes, 8 to 10% of the entire website visitor volume is being converted into possible leads into the system, into the ACRD.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

So from 2% to 9% on average 9% and in fact, I say this also. So you are. Most businesses are already spending a chunk of money on Pads, google Ads, bing Ads, whatever it is, or Facebook Ads. So we pitch our product as your insurance. So you're spending a lot of money on bringing leads, but if the customer is, let's say, opening multiple tabs and they are just browsing through, you need someone there to pop out and start a conversation. That's your insurance. What is your insurance?

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right, and that's like four times the amount of leads that are showing up at your website. You might as well grab them.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

You start receiving your first conversation response within the first five to six hours of after installing the chatbot on the website.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

And give me an idea. How long does it normally take to set up a bot and get it on your website?

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

It takes very little. That's one of the biggest advantages of our product Collectors Chat. You go from zero to a full-fledged chatboard within a matter of less than one minute. If you're starting with the template, that is, we already have a pre-made template over 50-plus chatboard templates you can click and in one second you already have that. All you need to do is change some colors, brand colors, add in your logo wherever you're required. If you want to start from scratch and you already know what you need to ask to the customer what kind of questions I can expect that might take anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes to create the common sense script, but that's the max time that you need to spend in creation of the chatboard.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

I like those numbers, so can you tell me how is Collect Chat different from other platforms like this?

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

So number one is the same point. It's the ease of creating the chatboard.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Within a matter of seconds, you have a full-fledged chatboard ready to go live on the website and you don't need to do anything. It works by adding a code snippet, so just like how you're adding Google Analytics to a website, it will start working. The other thing is we have integrations with Google Sheet. You can see all the data that's collected from the chatboard inside Google Sheet. You can send the data to any other CRM tool in a customer relationship tool that you're using, so all your leads in a separate pipeline or whatever inside the CRM tool. We have 50-plus chatboard templates, so we have saved you a lot of time. You don't need to sit and think what should I add? We have already done the work for you. So these are some very few of the things that come to my mind.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

It's very easy and simple.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right, well, I like it because I might not have thought about the different ways to use it, but having those templates gives me ideas that I might not have thought of, so that's really good. Do you have any memorable stories of people that have put chatbots on their site and they contacted you and said this has made a big difference for us.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Yes, in fact, what comes to my mind is traveling websites. So they basically it's like your normal travel, it's a holiday trip planner. So before using chatbot, they had this long form where you will be. First thing you put is a start date, the end date, how many people are traveling all those things in a single input box, and they spent about a month with their JavaScript and I was trying to build it. All those things, I set it up but still there was no conversion. Conversion was on a very low margin.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Then they started using the chatbot, where each of these became separate questions in the chatbot when are you planning to travel? And this became much friendly, more natural. When are you planning to travel? How many people are traveling with you? What are you looking for in this travel? Is it a honeymoon? Is it more of a leisure? Is there your entire company traveling with you, et cetera. Now this became much friendly and conversion rates actually spiked for them. For them it was more than 10% and they were extremely happy. Their business completely runs right now on this product and even in social media they're sharing chatbot link first. So they're from ad to lead using chatbot.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

That's pretty amazing because in the franchise industry I've seen people when they engage with leads or ask them questions they might have. For the most part I see one big form, just like you're saying that was low conversion and not working for everybody. But by taking it and saying what's your first name, what's your email address, phone number, liquid capital, your zip code or whatever, by breaking it into that conversational format, if they could see a surge in their lead collection, that would be incredible. So I think that's very valuable just to know that.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Basically, this is different. A form it's a dead interface. It's there and you have to fill it. But a chatbot, it's a conversation, it's proactive, it's asking you something, just like you're asking me a question and I feel obliged to give you an answer. That's the same effect chatbot interfaces have on people, so they feel happy OK, here is my information and they give the information.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Well, very nice. So is it possible to do a brief five-minute demo or so, so that people can see it with their own eyes?

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Yes, I will do that. Give me one second, share my screen. All right, so what you're seeing right now is the dashboard of Connector Chat. Over to the left, we have this concept of workspaces, which is essentially folders where you manage different bots in. So I'm in this workspace. I'm just going to give it a reload. I'm in the workspace, workspace one.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

I am going to start by creating a new bot. So it asks you do you want to start from scratch or do you want to start from an existing one? So I'm going to start from an existing, let's say a contact us, the very basic chat bot that I have. And then there are three options you can this is important to know about Collect Chat. You can add this chat bot as a widget on a website, or it can exist on its own as a chat bot page, or you can also embed it in an inside, an iframe that's a technical word inside. So if you have a contact us page, you can just embed it inside that contact page. I'm going to just click widget, click contact us and click on create and we are inside a build design.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Three steps design, script, share and design. You decide where should I position this chat bot. You can change the avatar. You can upload a custom avatar. Using the plus button, you can change colors to match your branding. So welcome message is the first thing that the customer sees. So you can turn it off or turn it on, up to you.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Moving on to the script, I'm going through this extremely fast, but I want to give it a very fast overview. So over here we are seeing 16 different types of questions that you can add to the chat bot. So here what we are seeing. The first one, what do you need help with? This is a multi-choice question which has already been created. It's already there in the bot and you can see eight questions in this chat. Ok, and it will execute them from top to bottom, one by one. So this is all pre-made and you can add more questions just by dragging and dropping. If you want to ask for number, just drag and drop it here, that's it, and then you can publish and it will be live.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

And if you want to see the chat bot or install this onto your website, you go to share and you copy this code snippet and then you add it to your HTML code. If you do not know how to do that, you can send this instructions to your web developer. They will do it for you. As you see, we have a WordPress plugin. If your website is hosted on WordPress and if you just want to use it on a link, so I will just show you that as well. So you go on to general. You can switch bot type to chatbot page. Now, if you go back to design, you can actually design the chatbot page and you get a URL for your chatbot also, but this will exist on its own on a chatbot page.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

So you could email somebody a link to your scheduling chatbot and it would actually they schedule right into your calendar using that chatbot link.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Exactly so. This can be used in your email. This can be used in your SMS campaigns, you know. You can maybe shorten it a bit more using URL shortness and then send it out. Hey, I want to make an order. Click here and the chatbot page will open up.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

I like how, as I'm going through this, I can see what it's going to look like and as I make modifications in real time, it's rendering a new example of what it looks like. I really like that. Can I do I have the ability to change like background images or anything?

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Yes, yes, you can add. If you want to put the background color, you can do that. If you want to put a gradient background, that is possible. I'm going to choose. Let's say so. We support three different layouts. And in color, let me say I'm going to put blacks. So the preview model is a little thin and if I click on the eye icon it's going to give me a better view of how it looks on a desktop and if I want, I can even put videos.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

So if I select, let's say so you could have a video rolling as a background image so that it adds life to it.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Yes, I do it. So this time, setting a background image, just waiting for the image to get uploaded, I give it a preview. It was actually a picture of banana, but the bananas at the center.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

You can't see that, so it's hidden. I get that.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Okay, let me set this guy. Wait for it to get uploaded, okay, so it comes in the back.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Okay, very nice, and I can upload any image or video that I have to be used. Yes, Very nice.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

You can add your brand. You know company name. You can add your profile pic. If you have the brand logo, you can add that as well using profile pic. You can add links to your social media profiles, all those things.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Very nice. It's so simple. That's what I said.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

The number one thing that makes us distinct is that it's too simple.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Yeah, you don't have to have any internet or computer knowledge Like I. Get all this and you just paste it in the header code.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Yeah, yeah, you just paste it in your header code or photo code, whatever you want.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Very nice, well, excellent. I haven't been through yet Anything else that you want to show us on reporting or analytics or anything like that.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

If I am out to show you reports, I actually need a chatbot that has already collected the data. Unfortunately I don't have any active bots. I hope I get for this a better. But basically I'll just give you a quick overview in responses, all the information you'll see in a tabular form under all these columns. These are different questions in the chatbot and the data collected by it will appear below it. Summary will give you a detail about how people are interacting with questions. That will add. Also, you need actual data. Interactions is a graph. How many people are starting the chat, how many people are going to the very end of the chat? That's what interactions map will tell you.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Drop off is important Now, as you saw in this particular chatbot, it has got right now nine questions, but customers being lazy, they are not filled the entire conversation. You might see drop off at maybe at the sixth question. The moment you ask them the email question, you might see that customer has this dropping off. This is a general trend. People don't want to share their details, they want to share their data, particularly here. If you see a pattern that is not expected, then that is something you should pay attention to. Perhaps you should go back to the script. Make some changes. Make it more friendly. Figure out a way to rephrase your questions so that the customer feels a little more comfortable sharing their data.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right when you look at the drop off, you're using that to increase conversion on your chatbot. What happens is you can then determine if it's surely the number of questions being asked or if it's the question itself, or how it's phrased, and then make changes.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

One thing that we have always seen is businesses wants to ask a lot of questions to customers. They want to misdemean, but you should be very precise.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

We always advise not asking more than 15 or 10 is good, 15 is max you can add as many questions as you want, but if it's lead collection or conversion you have in your mind, keep your answers precise. You have the opportunity to later connect with them, get more data, but the very first time a visitor comes, make sure you're only collecting the essential information and then push them to the next stage of your lead journey.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Excellent. Well, thank you, Aslam. This is a great demo. I have a couple more questions here for you.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

So stop sharing the screen.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Oh yeah, go ahead and do that. I normally ask people what they can do to speed up or shortcut the process, but I mean it seems so simple from this demo like I said, the simplest demo I've ever seen, I think maybe just know what questions they, what types of interactions they're looking to create and what that language would be in advance. But that's about it, right, that's about it.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

It all comes down to the question. So if you look at emails that you send to customer, their conversions depend upon the content that is present in the email. Same applies to these chatbots. You have to be, you have to use polite words, you have to make it more human, friendly, depending on your business, and then that's the only way you get leads in.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Right, yeah, using these systems is so much more affordable than you know what it would be doing trying to do the same thing with human. But when it's on your basic website, I don't know of another way for a human really to start communicating with someone outside of chat, because that's really where you turn just a page where there's information, text, image and you know video and actually say hi and start a conversation. So I think it's essential because these people are coming to check you out. I think everybody needs chat.

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

Exactly so. That is exactly the goal we are using and we are also proud to say on our homepage we are using this bot to convert 70% of our leads. We give them a, they are impressed and they say, okay, how can I make one? And then we give them the tutorial, we direct them to our health center, et cetera, and that's how they start using the product.

Lance Hood (FranPro):

Well, excellent. Thank you so much. I just I appreciate you for taking the time to take this call with me. Anybody who's interested go here https://Franpro. vip/GoCollectChat and sign up, set up an account and have a bot on your website within minutes. If you can, you know, put that code in your header or footer code. Thank you very much, aslam. Anything else you have left to say no?

Aslam Abbas (Collect.Chat):

this has been wonderful. Thank you for having me and, guys, if you have questions, let me know. Click the link, sign up, and try it.

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